Take A look at this List:

This list is just part of a much longer list of trash picked up during the 2009 Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup. Every year volunteers come together to pick up trash on Canada’s shorelines. (What’s a shoreline? It’s any place where water meets land.)
The 2010 Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup took place this past October. Approximately 47,000 people registered to participate and about half were young people.
Our Incredible World would like to say a HUGE thank you to all the youth who helped out in 2010, including students at The Academy – a high school run by the YMCA of Greater Toronto.
What are some of the strangest items found during the 2010 cleanup?
a suitcase
a birdbath
a lava lamp
a safe full of documents
Academy students picking up garbage at Budapest Park on the Lakeshore in Toronto.
So many species need shoreline habitats in order to survive and garbage is a serious threat to the health of these habitats.
Can a bunch of kids plant 7,000 trees in one day?
One hundred scouts, cubs and beavers from the Algonquin Hills district got together at CFB Petawawa and, with a little help from their parents and leaders, managed to plant 7,000 trees in a day.
This is the 35th year that scouts, cubs and beavers have planted trees in the area. In total, they’ve planted around 250,000 trees.
Scouts, cubs and beavers know that planting trees helps keep our air clean. Our Incredible World sends a HUGE thanks to everyone involved in the tree planting project.
hrough their hard work, these boys have given their area a little more fresh air.
Our Incredible World would like to congratulate high school student, Andrew Wong of Burlington, Ontario. Andrew is the 2010 Toyota Earth Day Scholarship National Award Winner.
What did Andrew do to receive this honour?
Well, he’s done so many good things for the environment, it’s hard to name just a few.
Andrew took an old, run-down greenhouse at his school and, with the help of other students, totally revitalized it. The students turned the greenhouse into a great place for students to learn more about the environment.
As president of the school’s Environment Team, Andrew started an excellent recycling program at the school and organized debates on the environment.
Andrew received a regional scholarship for 5,000 and a Panasonic notebook computer. Great prizes for a great guy. Congratulations, Andrew!
Students in their last year of high school are eligible to apply for a Toyota Earth Day Scholarship. If you’d like more information about the scholarships, just click here:
The boys dug holes, eight feet apart and then put the tiny, 1 foot trees into the holes.
Earth Day President Jed Goldberg, National Winner Andrew Wong and Toyota Canada President Yoichi Tomihara
Are you looking for a way to help? If so there are lots of opportunities out there.
Why not join all the kids involved in Project FeederWatch?
If you live in the Toronto area:
Starting November 19th at the Ontario Science Centre, there will be a FeederWatch workshop every Friday and Saturday at 11:00a.m.. You’ll learn how to identify different bird species and you’ll help staff at the centre record important data about the birds.
If you do not live in the Toronto area you can still help out. You can participate in Project FeederWatch from home. The project needs everyone’s help. Just click here for more information:
Well, that’s all for now but please come back and visit us soon again. We’re always adding new stories.
Hopefully one day we’ll add one of your stories.
Our Incredible World team